I just got back from my Honeymoon in Costa Rica. Yes, it was almost two years since I got married,
and while I would say it is never too late :), I would suggest all brides to push their husbands to do it
immediately after the wedding. My husband still denies it was our honeymoon, but once it is posted on the internet, we know it is true.
I had an amazing time, climbing the base of the Arenal Volcano and hearing the lava rocks still tumbling down.
During the scary night safari in the cloud forests in Monteverde, I saw animals I never saw in my life – at least in person (like the cute Armadillo
and the gorgeous Silver Fox) and quickly overcame my bug phobias (well, at least until I saw the carnivorous ants with the loud snapping mandible jaws).
And overcoming by bug fears turned out to be the easy part. I also somehow had to deal with my even bigger fear of heights.
I never in my life imagined that I could jump more than 100m into a wild forest, and actually chickened out, until my loving husband
told me if I jump it would make a great video for my posting on my blog. He knows me so well and knows which button to push- that is why I love him so much. Well, the video is below….
Here are a few photos of the hundreds that I took, starting with the adorable two-toed Sloth who almost fell from the tree on top of us after taking the shot.
Here are some of the bats we found in CaƱo Negro, near the Nicaraguan border.
Finally, the promised video of me… (I had to add some music to block out some of my crazy embarrassing screaming!)
I still can’t believe I did it as I am the type of person that can’t even go on a Ferris Wheel.