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Adam & Dale | Wedding at Blue Hill Farm at Stone Barns

Fresh off their engagement shoot, Adam and Dale celebrated their wedding at the absolutely gorgeous Blue Hill Farm at Stone Barns.
It feels like heaven to take a break from the City and drive around the Hudson Valley. Blue Hill Farm, only 45 minutes outside NYC, has a renowned restaurant that relies on a philosophy of farm grown crops and local livestock. I am not surprised they picked this venue as Dale, from listening to the toasts, has a great appreciation of food. The unforgettable culinary experience and farm create an ambiance of rustic elegance- all of which serves to remind us of the refinement of life’s simple pleasures, of which love is no doubt one of the greatest.

Adam and Dale met at a brunch with friends at Time Cafe sometime around 1999, but didn’t start dating until July of 2002, shortly after Adam finished up a two year stint in his firm’s London office. They have, of course, been inseparable from that point on. One of the highlights of the wedding was that after getting ready, Dale and Adam confided in me that there was going to be a very special surprise announcement and I should prepare myself to capture the faces of their families when they heard it. (Blog drumroll please…) Yes, Dale and Adam are going to the very proud parents of twins!

Here is a sneak peak of some of their photos. I will be adding some additional details (maybe even the photo of Cynthia Nixon (aka Miranda) who was just happened to be there and kindly took a photo with Adam and Dale.

Flowers: Sandy Clothier Flowers
Cakes: Mark Joseph Cakes
Ties and accessories: Robert Talbott
Rings: Stuart Moore

  • October 17, 2009 - 5:57 am

    Tammy Golson - Stunning wedding and photography, congratulations. I so look forward to planning an event at Blue Hill next year, infact just blogged about it. Hope you’re well! Thanks for sharing.

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