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Dustin & Natasha | NYC Engagement Shoot

Dustin and Natasha picked a lovely windswept day for their engagement session in Central Park, in that brief period following a storm when enough snow is preserved before the heat and radiating energy of a major city melt it away. I had not met Dustin or Natasha before and they were coming to NY for the shoot, as many couples do, to capture themselves amidst the magic of the City.

Since they grew up in Wyoming, they were no doubt used to snow, but I was not as properly dressed as I should have been in waterproof Wellingtons, and I came back later with soaked feet, swollen, and what felt like a touch of frostbite. I guess when I am shooting pictures, and feel that rush of creative adrenaline, it must mask any discomfort from the cold. Any of course, it was a very enjoyable session, so it was well worth a few red toes.

I am never sure in cases when I have not met the couple prior to the shoot, and have already familiarized myself with their personalities, that they will indulge me in what I feel is required to get great shots. I guess I require on the couple’s part, not only a joie de vivre, but also a bit of nerve. Luckily, they were both a very easy going and fun loving couple and played right along, whether lying on the ground near their Imagine Mosaic or when I had them run into those prickly red branches and they had to embrace each-other while ignoring the air of confusion of passers-by wondering what we were doing. They stood for me on that beautiful architectural staircase of the Apple Store, until the anticipated security forced us away. And when we had to beg some unwilling children to borrow their slide, we pushed on and got their more willing parents to intercede.

This, in the own words, is how Dustin and Natasha met:
“We both grew up in a small town in Wyoming, we met each other 3 years ago working for the same company. We both knew of each other but it wasn’t until then we started talking to each other and dating. We have been together ever since, We have a house in Rock Springs Wyoming, and Pittsburgh Pennsylvania as we work back and forth between them. We have 2 English Bulldogs that we love spending time with. We enjoy traveling around in the summer time catching a few Dave Matthews Band concerts every year. “

This June they will marry at Silver Lake Lodge in Park City, Utah.

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